Impala - The Family Friendly Fabric

How can home furniture upholstery material confront the constant challenges that naturally exist in a family living space? Is there any way that mum and dad can treat themselves to a colourful luxury couch or fetching dining room chairs without feeling that the kids or pets could permanently damage them at any moment? Is there any fabric out there that balances beauty, fun and grandeur with practicality and functionality so that both parents and children alike can be happy?

Our response at Impala Fabrics is an emphatic yes! Our goal is to provide families with a multifaceted, high quality product that truly fulfils the many needs that are found in one home under one roof. We have a policy that we like to refer to as the 'three fabric friendlies' - family friendly fabric, child friendly fabric and pet friendly fabric. It's obvious what this means but let us explain briefly how we manage to achieve these claims and in the process deliver complete customer satisfaction.

Our uniquely manufactured material has been borne out of years of experience and knowledge of the fabric textile industry. After investing thousands of man hours into investigating the nature and behaviour of synthetic textile fibres, the outcome was the creation of a pioneering fabric that has the rare ability to be exceptionally and easily cleanable as well as hard wearing and rugged. The added value is that we did not make any concessions to its attractive, outward physical appearance and what remains is a velvet-like suede feel fabric that would compliment any room in any house.

Available in vibrant and engaging colours, the Impala fabric range is the perfect choice for the contemporary family. The dog, the cat and the children are no match for our material, leaving you with a more peaceful and enjoyable home living experience.